'Grow Towers' - Variety Seed Packs - (Indoor / Outdoor) - 20% Savings!
Enjoy savings when purchasing in bulk!
Included in this variety pack: ButterCrunch Lettuce, Tiny Tim Tomato, Puck Tomato, Dwarf Jewell Nasturtiums, Dwarf Grey Sugar Pod Peas, Dwarf Curled Scotch Kale, Santo Cilantro, Forest Green Parsley, Sweet Basil, Marketmore Cucumber, Chantenay Carrots, Olympia Spinach. Bon Appetit!
Today's Online Specials:
Tomato Seeds Variety Pack - Top 10 Sellers - 20% Savings!
Enjoy savings when purchasing Tomato Seeds Variety Seeds Packs. This variety pack includes: Yellow Brandywine, Siberian, Roma Paste, Beefsteak, Matt's Wild Cherry, Scotia, Amish Paste, Amber Yellow Globe, Black Prince, Blondkopfchen and Pink Icicle Tomatoes. Bonus Pack: Beefsteak Tomato. Bon Appetit!
'Tomato Seeds Variety Pack' - Build Your Own - up to 30% Savings!
Enjoy savings on your favourite tomato seeds packs.
Choose 12 tomato seed packs and upon checkout list them in the notes to seller. It will be your custom-chosen garden of savings!
Please, do not choose "Sold out" varieties for this Variety pack!
'Tomato Seeds Variety Pack' - Build Your Own - up to 40% Savings!
Enjoy savings on your favourite tomato seeds packs. Choose 30 tomato seed packs and upon checkout list them in the notes to seller. It will be your custom-chosen garden of savings!
Please, do not choose "Sold out" varieties for this Variety pack!
'Sprouting Seeds' - Top 8 Sellers - Sample Variety Packs - 25% Savings
Enjoy a sample of each of our top selling Sprouting Seed varieties.
Varieties Included: Rainbow Radish, Rapini, Crunchy Bean Mix, Red Cabbage, Red Russian Kale, Sandwich Booster, Beets, and Yellow Pea Sprouts.
These packs are mostly 25 Grams in size accept for Yellow Peas, which is 40 Grams and the Sandwich Booster, Crunchy Bean Mix & Rainbow Radish which are 120 Grams. (New - Larger-sized seed packs)
Substitutions allowed. Enter your substitution request in 'Notes to Seller' upon checkout.
Total weight: 500+ Grams - (New - More than double previous Seeds weight)
Happy Gardening!
(Cultivated for sprouting use only. Cannot be grown as row crops. )
Micro-Greens Variety Pack - Top 10 Sellers - Bigger Sample Packs - 20% Savings
Enjoy a sample of each of our top selling micro-green varieties.
Varieties Included: Wheat Grass, Broccoli, Black Oil Sunflower, Dwarf Grey Sugar Pod Peas, China Rose Radish, Arugula, Ruby Red Swiss Chard, Daikon Radish, Beets & Basil.
These packs are mostly 25 Grams in size accept for the Wheat Grass, Dwarf Grey Sugar Pod Peas, Daikon Radish & Black Oil Sunflower seeds which are larger.
Note: Black Oil Sunflower pack size: 100 Grams. Wheat Grass pack size: 100 Grams. Dwarf Grey Sugar Pod Peas: 100g & Daikon Radish: 100 Grams.
( no substitutions allowed due to availability. )
Total weight: 550 Grams
Happy Gardening!
(Cultivated for micro-green use only. Cannot be grown as row crops. )
Micro-Greens - Sample Variety Packs - Top 12 Sellers - 20% Savings
Enjoy a sample of each of our top selling micro-green varieties, to discover which ones are your favourites.
5 Gram Varieties Included: Broccoli, Daikon Radish, Purple Kohlrabi, Cilantro, Beets, Arugula, Basil & Dill.
Black Oil Sunflower pack size: 25 Grams. Wheat Grass pack size: 40 Grams. Yellow peas size: 40 Grams. Dwarf Grey Sugar Pod Peas: 40 Grams.
Substitutions allowed. Enter your substitution request in 'Notes to Seller' upon checkout.
Total Weight: 185 Grams
Happy Gardening!
(Cultivated for micro-green use only. Cannot be grown as row crops. )
Flowers Seeds - Variety Seed Packs - 20% Savings!
Enjoy savings when purchasing Flower Seeds Variety Seeds Packs. This variety pack includes: Chamomile, Borage, Giant Sungold Sunflowers, Echinacea, Velvet Queen Sunflowers, Black Eyed Susan, Lavender, Pacific Beauty Calendula, Nasturtiums, Down East Wild Flower mix, Monarch Butterfly Mix and Brocade Marigolds.. Enjoy this mix and beauty of this special collection.
'Sprouting Seeds' - Variety Big Packs - Top 10 Sellers - 10% Savings
Enjoy a sample of each of our top selling Sprouting Seed varieties.
Varieties Included: Crunchy Bean Mix, Yellow Peas, Rapini, Sandwich Booster, Rainbow Radish, Red Kale, Red Cabbage, Alfalfa, Beets, and Green Pea Sprouts. Beets can be challenging to sprout correctly and are best to grow as a micro-green. Soak time: 4 to 6 hours and 8 Days to sprout beets.
These packs range from 25 Grams in size to 125 Grams.
Estimated weight: 590 Grams
Happy Gardening!
(Cultivated for sprouting use only. Cannot be grown as a row crop. )
Herbs Variety Seeds Packs - Canadian Climates - 10% Savings!
Enjoy savings when purchasing Herbs Seeds Variety Seeds Packs. This Canadian Climate Herbs Seeds variety bundle has 10 different individual seed packs suitable for Canadian Climates. These Heirloom packs include: Oregano, Bouquet Dill, Summer Savory, Chives, Red Rubin Basil, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Santo Cilantro, Florence Fennel & Fenugreek. Bonus pack included: Brussels Winter Vertissimo Chervil.